Private Medical and Diagnostic Centre
Newtown Medical Center (NMCL) is the country's newest and most advanced medical facility located at 55 WoodFord Street, overlooking the beautiful Queens Park Savannah. Our facility comprises of a four story building with comfortably separated departments and convenient, secure ground floor parking.
We are a private medical and diagnostic outpatient clinic with 8 inpatient beds. We offer a wide range of medical services to our clients and patients. In our eleven years of operations our organization has seen tremendous growth owing mainly to our efforts in diversifying our services, the expertise of our medical team and the excellent care that we administer to our patients. Today NMC is supported by a highly qualified team of Specialist Doctors, Sonographers, Radiographers, Mammographers, Certified Phlebotomist, Nurses & Lab Technologist.

We offer a diverse and comprehensive range of services inclusive of inhouse operating theatre services, with a high focus on preventative health care solutions. At Newtown Medical Centre (NMC) we ensure that our health care professionals administer their vocation with the highest level of competence and professionalism.
​Productivity, excellence and accountability are among some of our core values for ensuring the highest level of patient care at our facility or via our home visit sessions. By adhering to the industry's best practices through accurate recording of patient information and follow-up we seek to create the ultimate experience that works best for you.